Thursday 19 June 2014

General update

Hello everyone!

Right, there are various reasons I've been quiet since the massive design update to the blog - the main one being that I've started work on my final project.

As part of my MA, I have a project unit which consists of a couple of essays, three weeks of work experience and a production in whatever media we prefer. I've gone for multimedia aka online. Since I've got some (a fair bit of) front-end web dev knowledge, I decided to code my own website rather than using a CMS. I gained Wordpress experience from the multimedia module so I figured it would be cool to try something different! The website is just a static page, but it's going to have tons of content on.

I really liked the layout Riot Games used on their Lunar Revel minisite, so I thought I would go for a similar look. Having done the research and checked out some multimedia features (like the amazing New York Times coverage of the avalanche at Tunnel Creek), I've designed something that is a lot simpler than the Riot Games page in terms of design elements, but more suited to the purpose - I want readers to focus on the content, not the layout.

Here's a screencap of what I've got so far - it's a work in progress so I won't link to it just yet!

Well, I say readers, it's a multimedia project so there will be video, audio and (hopefully) some interactive graphics. I've not done anything fancy with SVG and JavaScript so I figured this would be a good opportunity to give it a go.

So I've been busy coding and interviewing and writing...I'm also in the process of moving to an exciting new flat, which is a bit painful in the current hot and humid weather. The IKEA delivery guys had fun tramping up three flights of stairs in the heat to bring me my bed yesterday. Yup, I'm in an unfurnished place so had the added fuss of getting furniture. Managed to score a ridiculous desk/shelf combo for free off Gumtree, so I'm sorted for storage!

I wanted to do another photo blog post as I've shot a couple of exciting things since my last update, but I need to get the pictures up on Flickr first, so stay tuned for that. I have a few more weeks of just working on project before I start two weeks of work experience at the Guardian. I'm really looking forward to it - they do some amazing stuff with multimedia and data. Plus I've never been behind the scenes at a national newspaper, so that in itself will be a great learning experience. After that I'm back in Bristol for a week at Who Do You Think You Are? magazine, then back to finishing up my production and writing reflective essays. So I'll hopefully find some time to sort out those photos soon!

I shall leave you with a cat, because this is the internet and everyone loves cats. This little lovely is a neighbour cat at my new flat and likes to relax outside in the evening sun, waiting for attention from besotted humans!

Cat wants attention. Attentions please!

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